tru.cmty is a hands on co-creation hub


voice your opinion, exert influence and be part of a new way of collaborating with inspiring people, brands and experts.



tru. is a curated Instagram community aiming to establish new ways of co-creation.
We are looking for people interested in joining idea sprints, design thinking journeys, or trend workshops that we launch together with our partners.
We are backed by a dynamic crowd of strong personalities who are willing to share their thoughts, explore different mindsets and turn ideas into real products or prototypes.
This is not about polling opinions for market research. This is about hands-on co-creation on eye-level with leading industry experts, creating a meaningful impact.

meet industry experts and make tru.friends



With tru. we want to turn around product innovation and empower you to impact industries from bottom up.

Together we co-create new ideas, explore upcoming trends and share thoughts on topics relevant for our future.


experience online&offline innovation journeys and “sneak peek” behind the industry scene.



Join one of our tru. Instagram communities by applying via our typeform. We made that process easy. Once you applied you will hear back from us, if you were selected. We will not flood your inbox with newsletters or otherwise annoying spam. You are free to unsubscribe any time in no time!

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  • get tru.insights

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